lofty goals and many firsts for the ytterbergs

With only a few months in, 2011 is looking to be a big year for Ryan and I in more ways than one.

For one, Ryan and I are reading through the entire Bible with the Junior High Youth group. Having never read through the entire Bible before and really just getting started, we are already amazed by all that we are learning. The Junior Highers are so on fire for this challenge and its really uplifting and inspiring to see these young individuals so excited about diving into the Word.

As if we didn’t have enough going on….
I’ve also taken a giant leap– signing up for the October 2011 Chicago Marathon on a whim, and also looking forward to completing my second half marathon in May in Cincinnati. Crazy? Maybe… but I figured now is as good of a time as ever to get this out of my system. Plus I do love running as its not only a major stress reliever for me, but the time I do my best thinking.

Even bigger news for us…
Ryan and I made our first big purchase since getting married–a car! Last week we bought a new (used) Ford Focus. It’s compact, fuel efficient, great condition, and very basic. Perfect for what we need it for. For any of you who were so fortunate enough to have ever met Betty, Ryan’s Blue Blazer and means of transportation for the last seven years, we’ve finally parted ways and moved on. Car shopping is about as fun as going to the dentist or giving blood, but Ryan did a great job and we feel pretty good about the whole thing.

New car

Ry's new wheels

Crossing my fingers for warm weather and sunshine in the very near future!